Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome little Animals... To the first day of Class

The day started as planned. We came into Q's Learning Center and played with the toys in that room while we waited for everyone to arrive. Once everyone was there we played follow the leader while I sang... "We're following the leader..." We explored the house learning where the bathroom, living room, kitchen, and downstair toy room. We learned which rooms we could play in and which rooms we would not. Next we ran through a safety drill. (We did not climb through the window like my last class.)

We introduced ourselves with the Hat song. Then it was time for my favorite teaching tool.... Zoo Phonics. I hid the animals around the living room and had the kids hunt for them. It took a while for them to get into the game. I guess it wasn't as exciting as actual Easter Egg Hunts. (We will have to try again.) They actually liked matching the animals to the Zoo Phonic cards just as well.

I always try start the year by encouraging the kids to participate rather than require. Each child responded really well to this preferred method. ( I don't want to have to pull a "Miss Nelson is Missing.")

We had singing time today. The "Do as I am Doing" song with the scarves went great. The black bird song was not a hit. We ended singing time with "Tap your Spoon" which in turn turned into a drum session. Two out of Three kids liked that.

For snack we continued with the animal theme. Animal Crackers, a couple Animal Cookies, and Animal themed Fruit Snacks with Chocolate milk to drink. (love me some capital letters in that sentence.) During snack time I read two Clifford books and sang the Zoo Phonic names and sounds.

We cleaned up the toys and brought out our personal timers for basement toy time and personal learning time with me. They liked the timers. That surprised me. I wish I was quicker on the fly. I had a hard time thinking how to set the timers quickly so that it worked. (homework for me) At the same time, I was able to question the kids knowledge of their ABC's and colors individually.

We had about 7 minutes to spare... so we headed outside to jump on the tramp. (Tossed a bunch of foam letters and numbers on there.)

Thank you so much for bringing your children to me. I love them!


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