Friday, September 23, 2011

6th Day of Preschool

Blast begins with a B, and so did everything else we did today. We started our "B day" with a hunt around the house for things that begin with the letter B. The kids stuck post it notes with a "mama B and baby b" on the bathtub, bag, bunny, button jar, BBQ, balls, bubbles, blocks, books, and baskets. The kids saw the bubbles and so of course the answer was sure why not when they asked to play. So outside we went for bubbles and balls. My parent teacher and I kept saying things that began with b and then giving each other an impressed look. The kids had snacks on the tramp and then wanted the We are the Dinosaurs Marching Song.

We went back inside to color Bubba Bear, and to sing B-o-o-t-s Boots. To think I had every boot... Black, Brown, Rain, Dancing, and Frog. We also sung Bumble Bee.

I wanted the kids to come to the basement to pick out a box, but some saw the Geo Tracks, others the slide and swing. We had a quick change of plans. I picked out boxes. (boxes begin with a B) I also brought water bottles. We built a tower with the boxes and made noises with the bottles. Then one child wanted to bowl. So I said of course because bowling begins with a B. We read the Berenstain Bears B book and then let the kids play. Anytime we heard a B word we would say.... and (word) begins with a B.

Next is C day. I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5th day of Preschool

Ah Today! It was rough for me. I was a little under the weather. (I sprayed Q's Learning Center from top to bottom with Lysol.) Anyway, the day must go on. We started the day by trying to act out a story book that I wanted to do on day 3. I gathered costumes and props of animals. This among 4 and 5 year olds is a great hit, but not so much for this bunch. They tolerated it.

Next, I really wanted to get the children (I need a name for them besides kids and children.) to say the complete Zoo Phonics song with all the actions. There brains would not stand for it. We stumbled through it. I then went to the old playbook. That would be let them play while I teach.

We took the Zoo Phonic Cards down the slide with us as we said their names and sounds. Ok so that worked for a about five turns each. So I turned my attention to the girl on the swing. The Zoo Phonic Cards wanted to join her. Sammy Snake slithered onto her swing. Honey Horse jumped up there. Vincent the Vampire Bat got kicked by her shoe. It looked like so much fun that another girl joined us and they shared the swing and fun. The other children learned by osmosis.

Next we had Go Diego Go time. We ate popcorn while we watched Pepito the Penguin find his school. I honestly love Dora and Diego. The kids were able to say ayuda me, help me, and nada, swim. They called for a whale, and told the rescue pack what Diego needed to slide down snowy hills. Last, but of course, not least, helped Pepito find his school of penguins by comparing and contrasting the different type of penguins. After the show, we created our own "Animal Science Books." (Sorry about the permanent markers.)

We had story time, and each child picked a book and had it read to them.

We ended the day. I don't know how, but we did. Now to prepare for B-day. I may just have to turn it into a Birthday Party. Why not?

4th day of Preschool

Taking a cue from Tuesday with T's game, we started the day playing with Dora and an ice cream shop, Diego and the Animal Rescue Center, and the Fisher Price Farm. The Zoo Phonics animals wanted to meet every one. Dee Dee deer with her missing foot went to the animal rescue center. Missy Mouse wanted ice cream. Alli the Alligator seemed to want to eat everybody. Still, we accomplished learning our phonic sounds through a great social playing time game.

Seeing that my little friends needed more time to learn the Zoo Phonics then other classes, I decided to postpone our "Rhyming time" class, and just continue phonics and letter recognition for awhile. Thus, we went out on the trampoline to play with our foam Alphabet letters. I would toss a letter to a child's feet. They would have to retrieve it and bring it to the box while repeating the name and sound.

We had singing time on the trampoline. Ring around the rosie and We are the Dinosaurs were sung. Then I made up a Song for the children in the class whose names all begin with L. After singing that for a million times, they all learned what their names begin with. It is quite the catchy jingle.

We moved back into the house and practiced using crayons, but mostly markers. (got to get some washables. Sorry moms) I wrote the kids names in yellow and then had them try and trace it with blue in order to "magically turn it to green." Well the children thought it was magic!

We either ended day 3 or day 4 with reading time. Each kid picks a book and gets it read to them while the others play. That is 6 books read!

I really enjoy each class with your children and I am so glad that you let me have the chance to work with them. I will be the first to admit this is not a regular method of teaching and to some it may even look unorganized. I do however have educational goals in mind for your children. How we get there is a journey. I may work differently with each child to accomplish these goals. What are they you ask?

I want your children to know all their letters and phonic sounds and READING small vowel words by January. Don't worry we won't burn them out. Half the time they don't even know they are learning.


Tuesday's With T's

I had such a great plan for this day... A giant Beach ball... turned into the ultimate collection of questions for every age. Then, my new cleaning lady came by and I didn't have time to create this masterpiece. With only 10 items on the ball, I made the kids be guinea pigs for my new game. 3 teams of twos, one catch ball, answer question, run to water, dip cup, fill up a bucket. They played, but it was impossible to get a winner. (sweet way to avoid sore losers)

After this group played this game, I went to the basement to work with some younger friends. They were engrossed in toys. So I started talking about their toys. What does so and so have? That begins with a T. (t sound) That is a dinosaur. What does that begin with? and so forth.

Meanwhile I had my little assistant (my daughter) play a specially created game for one child. She had to teach Zoo Phonics to a child by playing with the animals by name and tricking the child into saying it's name and sound. It was the perfect game until I hear a glass jar breaking and realize I left one on the bottom shelf. (Thank you for signing that paper! Cousin!)

We all headed for the basement where my assistant continued to drill this child with games I use to play with her. By feeding the child cheese balls, she got more out of her than I thought possible. (proud mama)

And now the rest is a blur.... So on to Q's Learning Center Preschool day 4.

3rd Day of Preschool

Well... How sad! I thought I already blogged this day. Come to find out I missed all last week! That is really sad! Let's see if I can recall some details of the days gone by.

This day would have been a Tuesday and according to my "Daily Class Syllabus," it would have been a day of "Review and New." We of course reviewed our Zoo Phonics, but without the obstacle course. (The Syllabus was created with the 4-5 year old class in mind) We made the beginning of our Zoo Phonics Book. All of your children colored at the same table sharing crayons as if they were all grown up. It was very impressive. We will add the next page.... Bubba Bear... during Thursday class.
We sang songs from the Laurie Burkner Band. We are the Dinosaurs seemed to be the favorite, although we did put a skunk on the dogs and then told them they smelled bad and ran away from them. That was my favorite.

And now I honestly can't remember what we did after that. So Day Four here I come.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2nd Day of Preschool

I'm not going to lie... It was crazy....But in such a wonderful way. I am sure that my teaching tactics would not fly in a military preschool, a boarding school, or even a Real school. You see I like to have a child driven lesson plan. You might also call it... learning through creative play, or trickery. (well you could)

I like the kids to think that they are "just playing," but really I am talking to them and their brains while they are playing. Take for example... the girl who goes in a part of the house that is not used for preschool. I gently tell her we are not playing in there. She finds a horse and asks if she can bring it along. I say "Oh you found HONEY HORSE." (make an h sound) Sure you can. Say Honey Horse + h sound." She did!

SO the plan today, review some of the Zoo Phonic Animal signs and sounds. Didn't go so well. SO we moved to the living room to learn that letters are in books. We read the Dr. Suess ABC Book. We got to L and the attention was lost. (We were fighting over foam letters.) I said, "Everyone grab a handful of letters and let's go throw them in the swimming pool." SO we moved outside. With all the letters in the pool, we made them swim, picked out a few to see what they were, and then got board. SO I said, "Now let's take some letters and make them jump on the trampoline." We bounced some letters on the tramp. Then suggested they throw them off and try to hit me with them. (Not the proudest moment... teaching your kids to throw things at each other.) The smaller girls were being bounced too hard, SO we moved to the sandbox where letters were buried. Someone wanted a shovel so my lovely assistant went for them. Oops! Bubbles were in the basket. Well, why not? So I began to sing, "Bubbles begin with a B."

While everyone was happy playing, I talked with each child individually about what their names began with. We would find the corresponding foam letter. One child wanted to go in the house.... SO we went and had snack time. We finished our ABC book. We worked on our table manners. You all should be so proud. There were so many "I would like, may I, and Please." We ran out of chocolate milk. (don't tell Paul that we used his recovery drink.) SO, we went to Q's room. The kids just wanted to play. We took this opportunity to learn to share, to use our words instead of crying, and that yelling and screaming will get you on a green chair. (Yes, I let your children sit in Grandma's antique chairs and bang things on her coffee table. She is probably rolling in her grave.)

We ended the day with singing time. That too is child driven. We sang the ABC song while banging drums or pie tins. That brought everyone to the room. However, we lost a few during Old McDonald Had a Farm. Bumble Bee is always a favorite. With ten minutes to spare, we went outside to draw with sidewalk chalk. We drew pictures of things that began with B. (I hope the kids don't get board on B day.) We ended with a round of Ring Around the Rosies, until it was interrupted by a dog named BELLE. SO, we all petted the dog as I sang, "Belle begins with a _____?"

"B" they all yelled!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday's With T's

Today we had 14 kids....2 preschoolers, 2 kindergardeners, 3 1st graders, 4 2nd graders, 2 4th graders, and 1 5th grader.

It was such a nice day that I created several games using sidewalk chalk. We also had a Zoo phonics animal hunt.

1st Day of Preschool at Q's Learning Center

I had such a wonderful time today with your children. I am sure that if you asked them what they did they will not be able to tell you. We were busy. So, let me help them out.

1. We took a tour around the house to learn what rooms we will use.... Living room, kitchen, Q's room, outside, and bathroom. (no one used that today).
2. We learned that after we take our back packs off ( I have bags for them, but they all want to be like brothers and sisters and wear a REAL backpack) we have free time to play until the warning bell. Then we clean up and should be done by two bells.
3. We learned through love and logic that we should wear our shoes durning school in case there is a fire. (Those rocks hurt bare feet, and the grass is itchy.) Oh and we climbed through a window. Next Thursday will will do it again.
4. We learned where the books are and how we can choose the ones we want. We chose a book called "Good Dog, Carl." We did what the baby and Carl did... Danced, snacked, jumped on a bed. (like monkeys)
5. We learned to share toys, use our words to communicate our needs, and learned how to tell Quincy NO when he wants to touch our ears.
6. We went on an animal hunt and matched them to Zoo Phonic cards while learning some of there sounds.
7. We learned some sign language.... Go, Stop, Again, and Please.... As we rode pretend horses.

We did so much that I am sure we will have to do a lot of it again on Thursday.... The good news is that one child cried because he wanted to stay. The bad news is that I wish I had 2 more children to enjoy. So if you know any one who wants to join us. Please send them my way.