Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's With T's

I had such a great plan for this day... A giant Beach ball... turned into the ultimate collection of questions for every age. Then, my new cleaning lady came by and I didn't have time to create this masterpiece. With only 10 items on the ball, I made the kids be guinea pigs for my new game. 3 teams of twos, one catch ball, answer question, run to water, dip cup, fill up a bucket. They played, but it was impossible to get a winner. (sweet way to avoid sore losers)

After this group played this game, I went to the basement to work with some younger friends. They were engrossed in toys. So I started talking about their toys. What does so and so have? That begins with a T. (t sound) That is a dinosaur. What does that begin with? and so forth.

Meanwhile I had my little assistant (my daughter) play a specially created game for one child. She had to teach Zoo Phonics to a child by playing with the animals by name and tricking the child into saying it's name and sound. It was the perfect game until I hear a glass jar breaking and realize I left one on the bottom shelf. (Thank you for signing that paper! Cousin!)

We all headed for the basement where my assistant continued to drill this child with games I use to play with her. By feeding the child cheese balls, she got more out of her than I thought possible. (proud mama)

And now the rest is a blur.... So on to Q's Learning Center Preschool day 4.


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