Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool at Q's Learning Center

I had such a wonderful time today with your children. I am sure that if you asked them what they did they will not be able to tell you. We were busy. So, let me help them out.

1. We took a tour around the house to learn what rooms we will use.... Living room, kitchen, Q's room, outside, and bathroom. (no one used that today).
2. We learned that after we take our back packs off ( I have bags for them, but they all want to be like brothers and sisters and wear a REAL backpack) we have free time to play until the warning bell. Then we clean up and should be done by two bells.
3. We learned through love and logic that we should wear our shoes durning school in case there is a fire. (Those rocks hurt bare feet, and the grass is itchy.) Oh and we climbed through a window. Next Thursday will will do it again.
4. We learned where the books are and how we can choose the ones we want. We chose a book called "Good Dog, Carl." We did what the baby and Carl did... Danced, snacked, jumped on a bed. (like monkeys)
5. We learned to share toys, use our words to communicate our needs, and learned how to tell Quincy NO when he wants to touch our ears.
6. We went on an animal hunt and matched them to Zoo Phonic cards while learning some of there sounds.
7. We learned some sign language.... Go, Stop, Again, and Please.... As we rode pretend horses.

We did so much that I am sure we will have to do a lot of it again on Thursday.... The good news is that one child cried because he wanted to stay. The bad news is that I wish I had 2 more children to enjoy. So if you know any one who wants to join us. Please send them my way.


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